La dédicace de la semaine pour les manifestations :
The dedication of the week for the riot :
Ben Harclerode

lundi 28 mai 2012
Too Gross - Down With The Devil
Avec tout ce qui se passe depuis 100 jours de manifestations partout au
Québec mais surtout à Montréal, je dédie ce clip aux manifestations, là
où que ça brasse le plus et je dirais que je vais mettre un clip que
j'ai déjà affiché ici. Juste pour dénoncer la brutalité policière depuis
quelques temps.
With all that going for 100 days of riot but especially throughout Quebec in Montreal, I dedicate this clip to events, where it brews the most and I'd say I'll put a clip that I posted here already. Just to denounce police brutality in recent times.
With all that going for 100 days of riot but especially throughout Quebec in Montreal, I dedicate this clip to events, where it brews the most and I'd say I'll put a clip that I posted here already. Just to denounce police brutality in recent times.
Libellés :
Beatdown Hardcore,
To Speak Of Wolf - Je Suis Fini
Très bonne découverte que j'ai fait aujourd'hui, très bon band mathcore,
à l'habitude je ne suis pas trop fan de mathcore mais il y a toujours
des exceptions à la règle quand ça frôle une ressemblance avec quelques
bands que j'écoutais anciennement et que j'écoute encore. Ce band me
fait vraiment penser à du vieux Norma Jean mélangé à The Chariot.
Great discovery I made today, very good band Mathcore, habit I'm not a big fan of Mathcore but there are always exceptions to the rule when it touches a resemblance to some bands that I listened previously and I still listen. This band really makes me think of the old mixed with Norma Jean, The Chariot.
Great discovery I made today, very good band Mathcore, habit I'm not a big fan of Mathcore but there are always exceptions to the rule when it touches a resemblance to some bands that I listened previously and I still listen. This band really makes me think of the old mixed with Norma Jean, The Chariot.
Take This City - We're Only Human
Pourquoi chaque fois que je critique mes derniers clips, qui sont les
meilleurs, c'est quasiment eux qui fesse le plus dans toutes mes
nouveautés. Vous ne serez pas déçu de celui-là aussi. Le vocal est
tellement puissant qui frôle la démence.
Why every time I review my latest video clips, which are the best, it's almost the most ass ones in all my news. You will not be disappointed with this one too. The voice is so powerful that borders on insanity.
Why every time I review my latest video clips, which are the best, it's almost the most ass ones in all my news. You will not be disappointed with this one too. The voice is so powerful that borders on insanity.
Stray From The Path - Mad Girl
Nouveau clip électrisant, un scream complètement puissant, quelques sons
électronique. Wow je m'attendais pas à écouter un bon beat comme cela
de leur part. Le son est assez clair ce qui fait qu'on peut entendre
chaque instrument très bien. Une nouvelle chanson à écouter assurément
dans les prochaines semaines. Je vous le garantie que vous ne serez pas
déçu. Comme nouveauté de chanson pour ce band, ça la fait ma soirée avec
le petit breakdown en milieu de chanson qui m'a mindé.
Electrifying new music video, a completely powerful scream, some electronic sounds. Wow I was not expecting to hear a good beat like this from them. The sound is clear enough so that you can hear every instrument very well. A new song to play certainly in the coming weeks. I guarantee you that you will not be disappointed. As a new song for this band, it makes my evening with the little breakdown mid-song that has mind.
Electrifying new music video, a completely powerful scream, some electronic sounds. Wow I was not expecting to hear a good beat like this from them. The sound is clear enough so that you can hear every instrument very well. A new song to play certainly in the coming weeks. I guarantee you that you will not be disappointed. As a new song for this band, it makes my evening with the little breakdown mid-song that has mind.
Sanctorum - Rise of The Underdog
Un son qui ressemble à Dark Tranquility ce qui n'est absolument pas
déplaisant, bon beat rapide, très bon vocal assez puissant. Très bon
nouveau clip qui met assez dedans.
A sound like Dark Tranquility which is absolutely not unpleasant, good beat fast, very good voice powerful enough. Great new video that puts into it enough.
A sound like Dark Tranquility which is absolutely not unpleasant, good beat fast, very good voice powerful enough. Great new video that puts into it enough.
P.O.D. - Lost in Forever
Nouveau clip de P.O.D. Est-ce moi où ce n'est plus comme avant, il y a
une ressemblance un peu à Rage Against The Machine. Ce n'est pas
détestable mais le band ramolli avec le temps.
New clip P.O.D. Is it me where it's not like before, there is a resemblance to some Rage Against The Machine. It's not horrible but the band softened with time.
New clip P.O.D. Is it me where it's not like before, there is a resemblance to some Rage Against The Machine. It's not horrible but the band softened with time.
Enthrallment - Fruits Of Pain And Blue Sky
Très bon début technique, une double kick présente immédiatement dans le
début une voix très death, pour les fans de death metal vous serez
assez bien servi avec ce clip. Du blast beat, solos et voix dark.
Very good start technique, has a double kick in immediately beginning a voice very death, for fans of death metal you will be fairly well served with this clip. The blast beat, solo and dark voice.
Very good start technique, has a double kick in immediately beginning a voice very death, for fans of death metal you will be fairly well served with this clip. The blast beat, solo and dark voice.
Diva - World's Collapse
Un début qui sonne riot et de violence musicale. Une bonne mélodie à
guitare. Un chant female front qui sonne on jurerait entendre du Arch
Enemy c'est très plaisant pour les oreilles. L'agressivité est palpable
dans ce qu'on entend. Furie et déchainement.
A beginning that sounds musical riot and violence. A good guitar melody. A song that sounds female front of you sound just like Arch Enemy is very nice for the ears. Aggressiveness is palpable in what is meant. Fury and outburst.
A beginning that sounds musical riot and violence. A good guitar melody. A song that sounds female front of you sound just like Arch Enemy is very nice for the ears. Aggressiveness is palpable in what is meant. Fury and outburst.
Bless The Fall - The Reign
Vidéo Live, un amoncellement de coups de baguettes sur les peaux de
drum, un scream et un chant accompagnateur qui donnent le goût de
gueuler avec la chansons des guitares pesantes et en breakdowns toujours
aussi pesantes une bass assez présente. Toujours aussi heureux
d'entendre un nouveau clip de ce band prolifique.
Live video, a pile of sticks beating on drum skins, a scream and a song accompanist that give a taste of the songs with screaming guitars and heavy breakdowns always quite as heavy a bass present. Always so happy to hear a new clip of this prolific band.
Live video, a pile of sticks beating on drum skins, a scream and a song accompanist that give a taste of the songs with screaming guitars and heavy breakdowns always quite as heavy a bass present. Always so happy to hear a new clip of this prolific band.
Excitation de cordes et de distortions, un scream qui donne la chair de
poule. Des apparitions de quelques clichés du film Rambo. Un ensemble
parfait à danser des talents et de lever le poing dans les airs.
Excitation of strings and distortions, a scream that gives goose bumps. Appearances of some shots of the movie Rambo. A perfect blend of talent to dance and raise his fist in the air.
Excitation of strings and distortions, a scream that gives goose bumps. Appearances of some shots of the movie Rambo. A perfect blend of talent to dance and raise his fist in the air.
As Enemies Arise - Sparkling Eyes
Excellent time lapse direct au départ, excellent band hardcore ça rentre
au poste. Très bonne distortions et de breakdowns, scream agressif pour
une chanson des plus agressives. Donc une bonne découverte encore cette
semaine qui est intéressante à voir et à entendre, à vous de faire
votre propre opinion face à tout ce que vous entendrez et verrez.
Excellent time lapse live at the start, great hardcore band that goes to the post. Great distortions and breakdowns, aggressive scream for a song of the most aggressive. So a good discovery this week that is still interesting to see and hear, you make your own opinion regarding anything you hear and see.
Excellent time lapse live at the start, great hardcore band that goes to the post. Great distortions and breakdowns, aggressive scream for a song of the most aggressive. So a good discovery this week that is still interesting to see and hear, you make your own opinion regarding anything you hear and see.
Akrea - Auf Los Gehts Los
Très bon début en lion, un fucking bon fast drum, un scream ressemblant
au band à mes amis ''Beyond Atrocity'', excellente découverte à vous de
découvrir à votre tour.
Very good start with a bang, a good fucking fast drum, a scream-like band to my friends ''Beyond Atrocity'', excellent discovery for you to discover yourself.
Very good start with a bang, a good fucking fast drum, a scream-like band to my friends ''Beyond Atrocity'', excellent discovery for you to discover yourself.
Abandon All Ships - Infamous
Le tout nouveau clip, ça rentre au poste avec un petit beat trance à la
bring me the horizon. De bon chant qui accompagne le musical, la voix
est très féminine pour un chanteur heureusement que le scream n'est pas
comme le chant mais bon dans l'ensemble c'est très écoutable et
appréciable comme nouveauté de la semaine.
The new clip, it goes to the post with a little trance beat to bring me the horizon. Good song that accompanies the music, the voice is very feminine for a singer that luckily does not scream like the song but hey overall it is very listenable and enjoyable as the novelty of the week.
The new clip, it goes to the post with a little trance beat to bring me the horizon. Good song that accompanies the music, the voice is very feminine for a singer that luckily does not scream like the song but hey overall it is very listenable and enjoyable as the novelty of the week.
War of Ages - Silent Night
Nouveau clip pour ce band là, ça rentre carrément au poste, un band à supporter.
New video for this band there, it goes squarely to the post, a band to support.
New video for this band there, it goes squarely to the post, a band to support.
Threat Signal - Uncensored
Nouveau clip pour ce band donc nouvel album aussi si je peux me le
permettre, mais à force d'écouter du metal je trouve que tout ce
ressemble mais le scream et le back vocal est malade.
New video for this band so new album too if I may say so, but by dint of listening to metal I think everything looks but scream and back vocal is sick.
New video for this band so new album too if I may say so, but by dint of listening to metal I think everything looks but scream and back vocal is sick.
The Devastated - Roof Top Panty Drop
a commence plutôt bien avec un vocal ahurissant, très aigus à la fois et
très graves par la suite. Un instrumentale très pesant, un band au
tendance très death tel que s'était à l'origine, c'est très mélodique
vocalement avec la guitare.
It starts pretty well with a breathtaking voice, very acute both very serious and thereafter. A very heavy instrumental, one band tends to be very death as was originally, it's very melodic voice with the guitar.
It starts pretty well with a breathtaking voice, very acute both very serious and thereafter. A very heavy instrumental, one band tends to be very death as was originally, it's very melodic voice with the guitar.
Swamps - Bed of Thorns
Du hardcore pesant un peu down tempo, un vocal qui déchire. Un band
ultra agressif dans l'ensemble musical, c'est vraiment aucunement pas
détestable comme groupe, à écouter absolument.
Hardcore weighing a little down tempo, a voice that rips. An ultra aggressive band in the musical ensemble, it's really not any detestable as a group, listen to absolutely.
Hardcore weighing a little down tempo, a voice that rips. An ultra aggressive band in the musical ensemble, it's really not any detestable as a group, listen to absolutely.
Shadows Fall - The Uknnown
Enfin un clip sans lyrics, un clip intéressant mais une chanson des plus
intense pour leur nouvel album, un album à avoir dans sa collection
pour les fans je n'ai pas besoin de le dire.
Finally a clip with no lyrics, but an interesting clip of a song more intense for their new album, an album to their collection for the fans I did not need to say.
Finally a clip with no lyrics, but an interesting clip of a song more intense for their new album, an album to their collection for the fans I did not need to say.
Promethee - Sickness Unto Death
Hmmmm une bonne double kick en début de chanson, c'est comme juste trop
parfait. Le scream met trop dedans assez pour dire que j'aimerais
entendre le restant de l'album voir ce qui en dit.
Hmmmm a good double kick early in the song, it's like just too perfect. The scream is too much into it enough to say that I would like to hear the rest of the album to see what that says.
Hmmmm a good double kick early in the song, it's like just too perfect. The scream is too much into it enough to say that I would like to hear the rest of the album to see what that says.
LAST DAYZ - Fuck Off
Hardcore agressif, moshpit violent, très bon band à découvrir,
encouragez ce band à se faire découvrir de plus en plus sur la toile.
Hardcore aggressive, violent moshpit, great band to discover, encourage the band to discover more on the web.
Hardcore aggressive, violent moshpit, great band to discover, encourage the band to discover more on the web.
GhostXShip - My Oath
Du hardcore et un peu de lutte pour faire changement. Aussi intense
qu'un moshpit pendant un show. Le vocal est comme juste trop motivant
pendant un après midi ensoleillé. Un bon breakdown juste quelque chose
de parfait pour être dedans.
Hardcore and a bit of struggle for a change. As intense as a moshpit during a show. The voice is just as too challenging for a sunny afternoon. A good breakdown just something perfect for it.
Hardcore and a bit of struggle for a change. As intense as a moshpit during a show. The voice is just as too challenging for a sunny afternoon. A good breakdown just something perfect for it.
Engel - Question Your Place
Le band Engel a décidé d'optimiser leur musique avec des sons un peu
plus dubstep, c'est très différemment de ce qui faisait auparavant. Ce
n'est pas méchant mais juste différent.
The band Engel decided to maximize their music sounds a little dubstep, it's very different from what was before. It's not bad but just different.
The band Engel decided to maximize their music sounds a little dubstep, it's very different from what was before. It's not bad but just different.
Dawn of Demise - Rejoice In Vengeance
Un début commence vraiment bien pour ce band metal, double kick dans le
tapis et grosse guitare sale dans le plancher. Un vocal plutôt assez
gras et un ensemble musical vraiment parfait pour du metal agressif.
An early start for this band really metal, double kick in the carpet dirty guitar and bass in the floor. A voice and a rather bold enough ensemble really perfect for the aggressive metal.
An early start for this band really metal, double kick in the carpet dirty guitar and bass in the floor. A voice and a rather bold enough ensemble really perfect for the aggressive metal.
Chelsea Grin - Recreant
Ceci n'est pas un nouveau clip mais quand même toujours aussi
passionnant d'écouter du Chelsea Grin, un vocal complètement gras avec
des aigus, très bon band deathcore qui bûche au poste. C'est tellement
violent vocalement que le diable peut aller se rhabiller immédiatement.
This is not a new clip but still just as exciting to listen to Chelsea Grin, a voice completely with acute fatty, very good deathcore band that log to post. It's so violent voice that the devil can go get dressed immediately.
This is not a new clip but still just as exciting to listen to Chelsea Grin, a voice completely with acute fatty, very good deathcore band that log to post. It's so violent voice that the devil can go get dressed immediately.
Arch Enemy - Under Black Flags We March
Ça fait du bien d'entendre du nouveau stock de ce band complètement
déjanté chanté par une demoiselle. Le début est très pesant comme le
reste de la chanson, il y a aussi un côté très old metal. Des riffs
complètement démoniaques. J'imagine que leur prochain album va bien
sortir en terme musical.
It's good to hear the new stock of this band completely crazy sung by a young lady. The beginning is very heavy as the rest of the song, there is also a very old metal side. Completely demonic riffs. I guess their next album will come out well in terms of music.
It's good to hear the new stock of this band completely crazy sung by a young lady. The beginning is very heavy as the rest of the song, there is also a very old metal side. Completely demonic riffs. I guess their next album will come out well in terms of music.
3 Inches of Blood - Metal Woman
Nouveau clip pour 3 inches of blood style vieux metal avec du modern
metal, ça peut être bon si je me mets à de plus en plus en écouter. Mais
j'ai encore un peu de misère avec ce band là.
New video for 3 inches of blood old style metal with modern metal, it can be good if I start becoming more and listen. But I still have a little trouble with this band there.
New video for 3 inches of blood old style metal with modern metal, it can be good if I start becoming more and listen. But I still have a little trouble with this band there.
samedi 12 mai 2012
Un avant-goût de ce que va être le prochain album pour ce band British
hardcore tout à fait trop bon à l'oreille sonnant à la fois un peu rap
et à la fois hardcore le mix est écoeurant. La petite symphonie dans ce
clip est juste trop parfait. Et que dire du clip tout court, il est
juste trop parfait pour la chanson même.
Band ressemblant: Terror, Sick of it All, Hoods, Deez Nuts, Furious Styles
A foretaste of what will be the next album for this band British hardcore quite too good to the ear ringing both a little rap and hardcore both the mix is disgusting. The little symphony in this clip is just too perfect. And what about the short clip, it's just too perfect for the song itself.
Band like: Terror, Sick of it All, Hoods, Deez Nuts, Furious Styles
Band ressemblant: Terror, Sick of it All, Hoods, Deez Nuts, Furious Styles
A foretaste of what will be the next album for this band British hardcore quite too good to the ear ringing both a little rap and hardcore both the mix is disgusting. The little symphony in this clip is just too perfect. And what about the short clip, it's just too perfect for the song itself.
Band like: Terror, Sick of it All, Hoods, Deez Nuts, Furious Styles
Tides Of Virtue - Broken Walls
Trop puissant vocalement et ça met bien trop dedans, la guitare dans ce
band se complète trop avec le reste, fast beat, blast beat etc... À
connaître assurément dans votre propre intérêt.
Band ressemblant: Misery Signals, Shadows Fall, For The Fallen Dreams, Annotations Of An Autopsy
Too powerful voice and it puts too much into it, the guitar in this band is too full with the rest, fast beat, blast beat etc. ... To know certainly in your best interest.
Band like: Misery Signals, Shadows Fall, For The Fallen Dreams, Annotations Of An Autopsy
Band ressemblant: Misery Signals, Shadows Fall, For The Fallen Dreams, Annotations Of An Autopsy
Too powerful voice and it puts too much into it, the guitar in this band is too full with the rest, fast beat, blast beat etc. ... To know certainly in your best interest.
Band like: Misery Signals, Shadows Fall, For The Fallen Dreams, Annotations Of An Autopsy
This City Ignites - Streets of Rage
Wow! c'est bien bon ce band là c'est juste trop parfait, la guitare est trop malade.
Band ressemblant: Hatebreed,The Acacia Strain,Legend
Wow! it is good this band there is just too perfect, the guitar is too sick.
Band like: Hatebreed, The Acacia Strain, Legend
Band ressemblant: Hatebreed,The Acacia Strain,Legend
Wow! it is good this band there is just too perfect, the guitar is too sick.
Band like: Hatebreed, The Acacia Strain, Legend
This Deafening Whisper - Deadly Antagonism
Un début avec du piano ça débute assez bien un clip ou une chanson, un
band assez violent vocalement comme instrumentalement. Très bonne
technique vocalement comme dans l'instrumentation on sent vraiment
l'énergie, l'émotion et surtout c'est très imagés.
Band ressemblant: Shadows Falls, Lamb of God, Black Dahlia Murder, Unearth
A beginning with the piano well enough it starts a clip or a song, a band vocally as instrumentally violent enough. Vocally very good technique as in the instrumentation you could feel the energy, emotion and above all it is very colorful.
Band like Shadows Falls, Lamb of God, Black Dahlia Murder, Unearth
Band ressemblant: Shadows Falls, Lamb of God, Black Dahlia Murder, Unearth
A beginning with the piano well enough it starts a clip or a song, a band vocally as instrumentally violent enough. Vocally very good technique as in the instrumentation you could feel the energy, emotion and above all it is very colorful.
Band like Shadows Falls, Lamb of God, Black Dahlia Murder, Unearth
Thirteen Bled Promises - The Truth Is Out Here
Le clip est quelque peu original mais bon souvent je ne l'écoute pas
pour le clip mais plus pour la musique qu'on offre avec le clip, le
début est très lent. L'instrumentale est très pesant et le vocal est
très aigus mais très intéressant et un côté beaucoup plus gras aussi.
Band ressemblant: Job for a Cowboy, All Shall Perish, Whitechapel, Wretched, Black Dahlia Murder
The clip is somewhat original but hey I often do not listen to the clip but more for the music that we offer with the clip, the beginning is very slow. The instrumental is very heavy and the voice is very sharp but very interesting and one side too much fat.
Band like: Job for a Cowboy, All Shall Perish, Whitechapel, Wretched, Black Dahlia Murder
Band ressemblant: Job for a Cowboy, All Shall Perish, Whitechapel, Wretched, Black Dahlia Murder
The clip is somewhat original but hey I often do not listen to the clip but more for the music that we offer with the clip, the beginning is very slow. The instrumental is very heavy and the voice is very sharp but very interesting and one side too much fat.
Band like: Job for a Cowboy, All Shall Perish, Whitechapel, Wretched, Black Dahlia Murder
Stick To Your Guns - Against Them All
Le tout nouveau clip de Stick to your Guns, ça arrache de tous les
bords, en tout cas niveau du vocal que ça rentre au poste, le chant est
très mélodieux. Parfait pour un roadtrip en auto pendant qu'il fait
Band ressemblant: Liferuiner, Comeback Kid, Throwdown, Ignite, Rise Against, Stronger Than Ever, The Four Llama Mafia
The brand new video for Stick to your Guns, tear it from all sides, at least the level it goes to voice mail, the song is very melodious. Perfect for a roadtrip in a car while it's sunny.
Band like: Liferuiner, Comeback Kid, Throwdown, Ignite, Rise Against, Stronger Than Ever, The Four Llama Mafia
Band ressemblant: Liferuiner, Comeback Kid, Throwdown, Ignite, Rise Against, Stronger Than Ever, The Four Llama Mafia
The brand new video for Stick to your Guns, tear it from all sides, at least the level it goes to voice mail, the song is very melodious. Perfect for a roadtrip in a car while it's sunny.
Band like: Liferuiner, Comeback Kid, Throwdown, Ignite, Rise Against, Stronger Than Ever, The Four Llama Mafia
Soundgarden - Live to Rise
Une nouvelle chanson fait pour le film ''The Avengers'' mais ne
ressemble pas trop à leurs anciens albums très grunge très rock et un
soupçon metal.
Band ressemblant: Nirvana, Alice in Chains, Pearl Jam
A new song made for the film'' The Avengers'' but does not look like their old albums too very very grunge rock and a touch metal.
Band like Nirvana, Alice in Chains, Pearl Jam
Band ressemblant: Nirvana, Alice in Chains, Pearl Jam
A new song made for the film'' The Avengers'' but does not look like their old albums too very very grunge rock and a touch metal.
Band like Nirvana, Alice in Chains, Pearl Jam
Shadows Fall - The Unknown
Le nouvel album de Shadows Fall est trop malade et beaucoup plus mature
que les autres auparavant beaucoup plus de solos, il est pas mal plus
intègre de ce qu'ils ont fait avant. Il est beaucoup plus mélodieux mais
toujours le même chant que dans les autres albums.
Band ressemblant: Lamb of God, Unearth, As I Lay Dying
The new album by Shadows Fall is too sick and much more mature than the others before many more solos, there is a lot more features for what they did before. It is much more melodic but still the same song as in other albums.
Band like: Lamb of God, Unearth, As I Lay Dying
Band ressemblant: Lamb of God, Unearth, As I Lay Dying
The new album by Shadows Fall is too sick and much more mature than the others before many more solos, there is a lot more features for what they did before. It is much more melodic but still the same song as in other albums.
Band like: Lamb of God, Unearth, As I Lay Dying
Rise Against - Satellite
Un autre clip paru quelques mois après celui que je viens de poster plus
haut, une autre découverte de l'existence de ce clip, en fait ça
faisait longtemps que j'avais perdu la trace de cet excellent band là
pour cause de d'autres découvertes musicales.
Another clip appeared a few months after that I just posted above, another finding of the existence of this clip, actually it's been awhile since I had lost track of this excellent band here because of other musical discoveries.
Another clip appeared a few months after that I just posted above, another finding of the existence of this clip, actually it's been awhile since I had lost track of this excellent band here because of other musical discoveries.
Rise Against - Make It Stop (September's Children)
Cela fait déjà un certain moment que le clip existe mais que tout
récemment j'ai découvert, très bon clip significatif de la difficulté
sur les jeunes. Sur l'intimidation et du suicide. Très bon band Punk
Rock pour ceux qui ne le connaisse pas encore.
Band ressemblant: Nofx, Bad Religion, Rancid, Strike Anywhere, Pennywise
It's been some time that the clip is but recently I discovered, very good clip significant difficulty on young people. On bullying and suicide. Good Punk Rock Band for those who do not know yet.
Band like: Nofx, Bad Religion, Rancid, Strike Anywhere, Pennywise
Band ressemblant: Nofx, Bad Religion, Rancid, Strike Anywhere, Pennywise
It's been some time that the clip is but recently I discovered, very good clip significant difficulty on young people. On bullying and suicide. Good Punk Rock Band for those who do not know yet.
Band like: Nofx, Bad Religion, Rancid, Strike Anywhere, Pennywise
Obey The Brave - Get Real
Nouveau clip pour l'ancien de Despised Icon (Alex Erian) et un ancien
membre de Blind Witness avec un featuring de Scott Vogel (Terror), leur
Ep ne devrait pas se faire trop attendre et sont en spectacles dans
plusieurs villes du Québec dont je crois au Montebello ou au Heavy Mtl
cet été surveillez-ça très bon band metal qui arrive vont se faire
connaître dans très peu de temps mondialement.
Band ressemblant: Terror, Do or Die, First Blood, Throwdown, Liferuiner
New video for the former Despised Icon (Alex Erian) and a former member of Blind Witness with a featuring Scott Vogel (Terror), their Ep should not be waiting too long and are performing in several cities in Quebec I believe in Montebello or Heavy Mtl this summer-watch it very good metal band that arrives will be known in a very short time globally.
Band like: Terror, Do or Die, First Blood, Throwdown, Liferuiner
Band ressemblant: Terror, Do or Die, First Blood, Throwdown, Liferuiner
New video for the former Despised Icon (Alex Erian) and a former member of Blind Witness with a featuring Scott Vogel (Terror), their Ep should not be waiting too long and are performing in several cities in Quebec I believe in Montebello or Heavy Mtl this summer-watch it very good metal band that arrives will be known in a very short time globally.
Band like: Terror, Do or Die, First Blood, Throwdown, Liferuiner
Lionheart - Lifer
Très bon, ça sonne très old school et c'est comme ça que le hardcore
devrait survivre avec toutes les sortes de styles qui sortent. Un
hardcore extrême qui garde les points serrés et donne envie d'aller dans
un bon moshpit se faire aller.
Band ressemblant: First Blood, Terror, Throwdown, Do or Die
Very good, it sounds very old school and this is how hardcore should survive all kinds of styles that come out. A hardcore extreme points which keeps tight and makes you want to go to a good moshpit going to be.
Band like: First Blood, Terror, Throwdown, Do or Die
Band ressemblant: First Blood, Terror, Throwdown, Do or Die
Very good, it sounds very old school and this is how hardcore should survive all kinds of styles that come out. A hardcore extreme points which keeps tight and makes you want to go to a good moshpit going to be.
Band like: First Blood, Terror, Throwdown, Do or Die
Kataklysm - Iron Will
Une chanson dédicace pour les 20 ans d'existence de Kataklysm dans le
monde metal. Toujours aussi puissant musicalement, band Montréalais qui
sont toujours aussi prolifique et qu'il y a toujours de plus en plus de
fans qui adorent ce genre de musique. C'est toujours aussi bon à écouter
et à apprécier chaque morçeau une à une. Le clip est vraiment
intéressant de toute leur carrière.
Band ressemblant: Cannibal Corpse, Napalm Death, Possessed, Fear Factory
A song dedication for the 20-year history of the world Kataklysm metal. Still as powerful musically, Montreal band who are as prolific as ever and there's always more and more fans who love this kind of music. It's always good to listen to and appreciate each piece one by one. The clip is really interesting throughout their career.
Band like: Cannibal Corpse, Napalm Death, Possessed, Fear Factory
Band ressemblant: Cannibal Corpse, Napalm Death, Possessed, Fear Factory
A song dedication for the 20-year history of the world Kataklysm metal. Still as powerful musically, Montreal band who are as prolific as ever and there's always more and more fans who love this kind of music. It's always good to listen to and appreciate each piece one by one. The clip is really interesting throughout their career.
Band like: Cannibal Corpse, Napalm Death, Possessed, Fear Factory
Forgotten Tears - Final 24
Nouvelle découverte assez impressionnante d'un bon band metal. Double
kick assez présente dans les moments de breakdown et de refrain. Une
voix assez porteuse.
Band ressemblant: Bleeding Through, Parkway Drive, Darkest Hour
Pretty impressive new discovery of a good metal band. Double kick fairly present in moments of breakdown and chorus. A voice enough carrier.
Band like: Bleeding Through, Parkway Drive, Darkest Hour
Band ressemblant: Bleeding Through, Parkway Drive, Darkest Hour
Pretty impressive new discovery of a good metal band. Double kick fairly present in moments of breakdown and chorus. A voice enough carrier.
Band like: Bleeding Through, Parkway Drive, Darkest Hour
Emmure - Protoman
Leur nouveau clip de leur nouvel album Slave to the Game. Seul band que
je connaisse que leur chanson se résume à des jeux vidéos de toutes
sortes. Un scream ultra puissant autant aigu que gras. Un côté un rap
mais en même très metal. Un excellent band deathcore qui utilise
beaucoup de bass dans leur chanson aussi. Assez impressionnant en show.
Leur clip est juste trop approprié pour la chanson et en même temps ça
rappelle beaucoup l'époque des arcades.
Band ressemblant: Whitechapel, All Shall Perish, The Acacia Strain, For The Fallen Dreams, Stick to your Guns, Liferuiner, Annotation of an Autopsy....
Their new video for their new album Slave to the Game. Only band I know that the song comes down to video games of all kinds. A scream ultra powerful as acute as bold. One side a very rap but at the same metal. An excellent deathcore band that uses lots of bass in their songs too. Pretty impressive show. Their music is just too appropriate for the song and at the same time it is very reminiscent of the era arcades.
Band like: Whitechapel, All Shall Perish, The Acacia Strain, For The Fallen Dreams, Stick to your Guns, Liferuiner, the Annotation Autopsy ....
Band ressemblant: Whitechapel, All Shall Perish, The Acacia Strain, For The Fallen Dreams, Stick to your Guns, Liferuiner, Annotation of an Autopsy....
Their new video for their new album Slave to the Game. Only band I know that the song comes down to video games of all kinds. A scream ultra powerful as acute as bold. One side a very rap but at the same metal. An excellent deathcore band that uses lots of bass in their songs too. Pretty impressive show. Their music is just too appropriate for the song and at the same time it is very reminiscent of the era arcades.
Band like: Whitechapel, All Shall Perish, The Acacia Strain, For The Fallen Dreams, Stick to your Guns, Liferuiner, the Annotation Autopsy ....
Do Or Die - The Choice is yours Making of
Un making of sur leur prochain clip et en même c'est intéressant de
savoir quel genre de matériel qu'ils utilisent pour leur tournage,
caméra et éclairage.
Band ressamblant: Terror, First Blood, Sick of It All....
A making of their next music video and it's even interesting to know what kind of equipment they use for their shooting, camera and lighting.
Ressamblant Band: Terror, First Blood, Sick of It All ....
Band ressamblant: Terror, First Blood, Sick of It All....
A making of their next music video and it's even interesting to know what kind of equipment they use for their shooting, camera and lighting.
Ressamblant Band: Terror, First Blood, Sick of It All ....
Continents - Trials
Pour connaître déjà ce band je savais qu'il faisait dans la musique
assez lourde musicalement parlant. Un metal assez lourd avec des back
vocals très old school mais un scream gras.
Band ressemblant: The Last Felony, Periphery, August Burns Reds, I, The Breather....
For this band I already knew he was in pretty heavy music musically. A fairly heavy metal with back vocals very old school but a scream fat.
Band like: The Last Felony, Periphery, August Burns Reds, I, The Breather ....
Band ressemblant: The Last Felony, Periphery, August Burns Reds, I, The Breather....
For this band I already knew he was in pretty heavy music musically. A fairly heavy metal with back vocals very old school but a scream fat.
Band like: The Last Felony, Periphery, August Burns Reds, I, The Breather ....
Code Orange Kids - V (My Body is a Well)
Une nouveauté, une nouvelle découverte mais en même temps on dirait que
j'ai déjà entendu ce beat mais pour un autre genre de band. Le scream
est très pesant très violent, très agressif. Un beat parfois très down
tempo. On ressent l'émotion dans toute la chanson autant instrumentale
autant vocalement.
Band ressemblant: Norma Jean, Converge, Devil Sold His Soul
A novelty, a new discovery but at the same time it feels like I've heard this beat but for another kind of band. The scream is very heavy very violent, very aggressive. Sometimes a very down tempo beat. We feel the emotion throughout the song as much as instrumental voice.
Band like: Norma Jean, Converge, Devil Sold His Soul
Band ressemblant: Norma Jean, Converge, Devil Sold His Soul
A novelty, a new discovery but at the same time it feels like I've heard this beat but for another kind of band. The scream is very heavy very violent, very aggressive. Sometimes a very down tempo beat. We feel the emotion throughout the song as much as instrumental voice.
Band like: Norma Jean, Converge, Devil Sold His Soul
Cattle Decapitation Kingdom Of Tyrants
Un mini vidéo accompagnant le clip qui eut-être très intéressant à
regarder mais le début je peux certainement le comparer à du Slipknot où
du Marilyn Manson, pour le côté sinistre du vidéo et de la voix, il y a
une certaines sonorités et ressemblances avec nine inch nails comme en
introduction. Aussitôt que la musique démarre c'est vraiment comme du
Black Dahlia Murder mélangé avec du Cradle of Filth.
Bands ressemblant: Black Dahlia Murder, Cradle of Filth, Job for a Cowboy, Whitechapel
A short video clip that was accompanying be very interesting to watch the start but I can certainly compare it to that of Slipknot Marilyn Manson, to the dark side of video and voice, there is a certain resemblance to sounds and nine inch nails as in the introduction. As soon as the music starts it's really like the Black Dahlia Murder mixed with Cradle of Filth.
Bands like : Black Dahlia Murder, Cradle of Filth, Job for a Cowboy, Whitechapel
Bands ressemblant: Black Dahlia Murder, Cradle of Filth, Job for a Cowboy, Whitechapel
A short video clip that was accompanying be very interesting to watch the start but I can certainly compare it to that of Slipknot Marilyn Manson, to the dark side of video and voice, there is a certain resemblance to sounds and nine inch nails as in the introduction. As soon as the music starts it's really like the Black Dahlia Murder mixed with Cradle of Filth.
Bands like : Black Dahlia Murder, Cradle of Filth, Job for a Cowboy, Whitechapel
Biohazard - Vengeance Is Mine
Comme on disait Punk is not Dead mais pour ce qui a trait à Biohazard,
ils sont loin de mourir toujours aussi bon dans leur chanson hardcore.
Leur petit côté vintage les mettent très en valeur. Dur de copier un
band qui a fonctionné très longtemps et acquéri beaucoup de fans avec
les années.
As they said Punk is not Dead but for respect to Biohazard, they are not always so good to die in their hardcore song. Their small vintage side are the very worth. Hard copy of a band that has worked very long and acquéri many fans over the years.
As they said Punk is not Dead but for respect to Biohazard, they are not always so good to die in their hardcore song. Their small vintage side are the very worth. Hard copy of a band that has worked very long and acquéri many fans over the years.
Ante Up - See You In Hell
Hardcore très agressif vu le clip où que le moshpit est assez violent.
Beat très pesant, ressemble beaucoup à du vieux Throwdown, Since the
Flood, Atreyu. Assez musclé comme musique.
Very aggressive hardcore seen the clip where the moshpit is quite violent. Beat very heavy, much like the old Throwdown, Since the Flood, Atreyu. Muscular enough as music.
Very aggressive hardcore seen the clip where the moshpit is quite violent. Beat very heavy, much like the old Throwdown, Since the Flood, Atreyu. Muscular enough as music.
A Past Unknown - Nothing to Hide
Pour les fans d'Underoath et d'I Killed the Prom Queen vous serez
certainement servi avec ce band que je ne connaissais pas auparavant, le
scream est assez puissant avec un beat un peu à la down tempo. Je me
fis que très rarement au clip vu qui sont rare qu'ils soient bon. Mais
l'instrumentale est très bon pour ce qui accompagne la voix.
For fans of Underoath and I Killed the Prom Queen you will definitely be served with this band that I did not know before, the scream is powerful enough to beat a little at a down tempo. I made that very rarely seen clip that is rare that they are good. But the instrumental is very good for accompanying the voice.
For fans of Underoath and I Killed the Prom Queen you will definitely be served with this band that I did not know before, the scream is powerful enough to beat a little at a down tempo. I made that very rarely seen clip that is rare that they are good. But the instrumental is very good for accompanying the voice.
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